Our Work: Facebook Development

Classic Garages

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Classic Garages is a site for classic car enthusiasts. When they aren’t restoring their own cars or buying and selling they are blogging about classic and super car events in Australia.

The site was built using Magento to allow ecommerce functionality.

Wincrest Homes

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Wincrest Homes are a leading family-owned home builder with over 30 years experience.

Domani Digital have been working with Wincrest for over 10 years.

The current website has been built using Adobe Business Catalyst and has an advanced home database allowing categorisation and filtering of house types.

Club Maserati Australia

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The official factory sponsored Maserati club.

Foxtel Lifestyle Channel


Foxtel Lifestyle Channel commissioned Domani Digital to produce a Facebook game to attract followers for the Bake-Off, Cake-Off and subsequent Frock-Off programs.

The game generated huge increases in followers as viewers voted for their favourite cakes. It was also a lot of fun building this app.

Our Thoughts